Home Article A Review on Poorly Soluble Drug Delivery Strategies

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A Review on Poorly Soluble Drug Delivery Strategies


Kumar, A.B., Ghosh, T., Hullatti, P., Miskin, N., Akshara

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Solubility is the phenomenon of dissolution of solid in liquid phase to give a homogenous system and is one of the important parameter to achieve desired concentration of drug in systemic circulation for pharmacological response. Bioavailability is defined as the rate and extent of absorption of unchanged drug from its dosage form. It is one of the important parameter to achieve desired concentration of drug in systemic circulation for pharmacological response to be shown. A drug with poor bioavailability is one with poor aqueous solubility, slow dissolution rate in biological fluids, poor stability of dissolved drug at physiological pH, poor permeation through biomembrane, extensive presystemic metabolism. Poorly water-soluble drugs after oral administration often require high doses in order to reach therapeutic plasma concentrations. The bioavailability of an orally administered drug depends on its solubility in aqueous media over different pH ranges. The insufficient dissolution rate of the drug is the limiting factor in the oral bioavailability of poorly water soluble compounds. Any drug to be absorbed must be present in the form of an aqueous solution at the site of absorption. This review focuses on the various techniques used for the improvement of the Bioavailability of drugs including size reduction, solubilising excipients, colloidal drug delivery systems, pH adjustment, solid dispersion, complexation, co-solvency, micellar solubilisation, hydrotropy etc. The purpose of this review article is to describe the techniques of Bioavailability enhancement for the attainment of effective absorption and improved bioavailability.


Bioavailability enhancement, Solubility, Poorly soluble drugs

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Kumar, A.B., Ghosh, T., Hullatti, P., Miskin, N., Akshara. (2016). A Review on Poorly Soluble Drug Delivery Strategies, International Journal for Pharmaceutical Research Scholars (IJPRS), 5(2), 303-315.

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